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Why cocoa butter and white chocolate are NOT toxic to dogs

Dogs cannot break down various substances contained in chocolate as efficiently as humans. One of the main substances that is dangerous for dogs is theobromine. Theobromine belongs to the methylxanthines and is mainly found in cocoa. In this blog post, we explain why cocoa butter and white chocolate are not toxic to dogs and what risks other types of chocolate pose.

Theobromine content in different types of chocolate

  • White chocolate and cocoa butter : Contains no solid cocoa solids and therefore negligible amounts of theobromine

  • Milk chocolate contains about 1.5 mg of theobromine per gram.

  • Dark chocolate contains about 16 mg of theobromine per gram.

  • Cocoa powder contains about 30 mg of theobromine per gram.

The toxic dose of theobromine for dogs is about 20 mg per kilogram of body weight. This means that even small amounts of dark chocolate or cocoa powder can be dangerous ( Merck Veterinary Manual ), ( UC Davis Vet Med ), ( Cornell Vet Med ).

Cocoa butter and white chocolate

Cocoa butter is the fat extracted from cocoa beans. It contains virtually no theobromine, as this is found mainly in the solid parts of the cocoa bean. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, milk and sugar and also contains little or no theobromine. Therefore, cocoa butter and white chocolate are not toxic to dogs.

  • White chocolate : Contains no solid cocoa solids and therefore negligible amounts of theobromine.

Why White Chocolate is Safer

Since white chocolate does not contain significant amounts of theobromine, it does not pose a risk to dogs. However, it should be noted that white chocolate is still not healthy for dogs as it contains high amounts of sugar and fat, which can lead to other health problems.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to keep all types of chocolate out of the reach of dogs. If your dog has eaten chocolate and is showing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, or convulsions, you should seek veterinary attention immediately. For accurate calculations on chocolate toxicity, you can use the Chocolate Toxicity Calculator for Dogs . This calculator will help you determine if the amount consumed is dangerous and what measures should be taken.


Cocoa butter and white chocolate are not toxic to dogs due to their low theobromine content. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate and cocoa powder contain high amounts of theobromine and should therefore be strictly avoided. Use tools such as the Chocolate Toxicity Calculator to be able to react quickly in an emergency.

Stay alert and protect your four-legged friend from the dangers of chocolate!




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